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Dante Certification

August 16, 2022

So, Audinate changed their training program with new videos and content. Covers all their new stuff. In addition, though not as in depth as some of the training can be, and may be covered under Level 3, it is a good improvement. So I spent some free time over the last week to peruse the training videos, and today I took the test(s). I am now Dante Certified Level 2 2nd Edition!

Test(s) you ask? Yes, three of them. No, not long, but broken out into 2 mini tests and a simulation portion. The first two are multiple choice and the simulation you are given instructions to follow, and you do it. I see a future test which will be less step by step and more here is what you have, this is your goal type format.

Level 3 is geared toward enterprise and large systems, so it will be a bit more challenging, I think. I will do some homework and start the Level 3 process. In the meantime, if you need any Dante help, I am, well, Level 2 certified.


PS: When I receive my “label” I will post it.

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